Business for sale in Lithuania

Business for sale in Lithuania

Residence Permit in Lithuania

Residence permit – a document, which allows you to stay in the European Union for the whole year

Company registration in Lithuania

LLC registration (UAB)
Registration of private company
Representative office registration

Transport companies in Lithuania for sale

We sell ready transport companies with European transport license

EUROMIG services



The main mission of EUROMIG project is to provide complex services to non European Union companies and individuals, carrying out their activity in the European Union countries, in the Republic of Lithuania in particular.

We provide a comprehensive kit of services to companies starting their activity in European Union (Lithuania) market, as well as to already active business representatives.

Our experts will assist you in dealing with legal, financial and migration issues. Moreover, we are ready to assist you with finding partners, realizing business-mission, staff selection, finding office rooms and living quarters and providing other services related to business representation.


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EUROMIG – a simple way to emigrate to Europe

#Business – investment to profitable business #Profit – guarantees for the profit of the company and stable dividends for the shareholders #Family – relatives can get residence permits along with the investor #TRP – Temporary Residence Permit in Lithuania – we are assisting in meeting the Migration …Read more

Getting a residence permit in Lithuania on the basis of establishing a start-up

It is known that in order to get a residence permit in Lithuania, according to the law, it is necessary to recruit 3 Lithuanian citizens and pay them at least three minimum wages. However, this option does not suit every foreigner …Read more

Foreign business in Lithuania

Despite the political and economic crisis in Europe and Russia, and despite the fact that all Russian media depict Lithuania as poor and unpromising country, still more and more businessmen from Russia come here each year. These entrepreneurs are more …Read more

Development of trade relations between Lithuania and other countries

Political and economic crisis is caused by the deterioration of relations between Russia and Europe and it brought negative impact on the economy of the European Union, but at the same time, many countries got new opportunities for their development …Read more

Successs of development of IT-industry in Lithuania

Lithuania has become homeland for many foreign IT companies. They are attracted by skilled IT professionals, as well as great prospects of IT industry, which are encouraged both by the state and the European Union. More and more students study …Read more

Construction business in EU, Business investments in Lithuania

Строительный бизнес в Литве всегда отличался стабильностю и постоянно показывал экономический рост. Сектор строительства, если его понимать как совокупность производства строительных материалов и строительных услуг – одна из главных движущих сил экономики Литвы. Весомую часть зарубежных инвестиций в экономику Литовской …Read more

More strict rules for getting residence permit in Lithuania, since November 2014

Until now, the law of the Republic of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Aliens” provided that temporary residence permit in Lithuania can be issued to a foreigner, who wants to start business in Lithuania: foreigner, who made registration of …Read more

We sell ready transport companies with European transport license Продаем транспортные компании с лицензией Европейского Союза на грузоперевозки.