F Bar in Vilnius Old town for sale « Business in Europe – Start / Buy / Sell – Immigration solutions «

Bar in Vilnius Old town for sale

  • Description:

    The bar is very well-located and attracts both locals visitors as well as tourists. It has all the necessary permits for its activity, an alcohol license and although it mostly operates as a bar, it also has a well-equipped kitchen. The cost of rent is about 1000 Eur/monthly including utilities, could be more in winter months due to the heating season. The profit is around 1000-1500 Eur/month and it can be increased significantly by extending the working hours and days and the menu. The employees are willing to continue working there. EUROMIG consultants may also assist you with finding and hiring additional qualified staff members and our accountants may take care of the company’s bookkeeping. The bar has no debt or obligations, it is ideal for someone who has been dreaming of owning a bar or just wants to run their own business and doesn’t know where to start as everything is already set-up and running, you can start working immediately and develop it further are you please.

    The reservation fee for this business is an advance of 5,000 €.

    This business is ideal for a Residence Permit application as it meets all the requirements of the Migration Department. In order to apply for a Resident Permit the company has to be operating for at least 6 months and daily income, expenses and active employees (salaries & taxes) must reflect in the company’s history, as well as actual premises must be present.

  • Primary activity: Bars and restaurants
  • Price: €42.000
  • Country of registration: Lithuania

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